I've just started the plushies store. All Of My Customers gave me a positive feedback (even though i have a little customers) Here How It Works:
Are you a plushie fanatic? Have you always had that one plushie you were dying to have, but uptight jammers never traded? Look no further.
All of my plushies are grouped by species, and you can find which rare plushies are in stock, and how many, by going to my: "What's in stock?" page. At my plushie store, we only sell rare plushies, that means the ones with all the fancy accessories and whatchamicallits.
Our types range from giant plushies, lion plushies, summer carnival plushies and claw plushies! To find out how to claim our plushies, or reserve a plushie, go to the: "How to Purchase" page.
Did you know you can win plushies, gems and cool prizes by participating in our plushie store? To find out how, go to the: "Prizes" page.
We also have daily, weekly, and monthly sales! When we have alot of a certain type of plushie, the price will go down! We also have our "specials." Our specials is when we have a certain "ultra rare" plushie for sale! You can find out more about our specials & sales by going to the "Specials & Sales" page.
I understand I can't be on 24/7 to offer service. So I posted a tracking device on the side of the blog, so you can see when I'm on Animal Jam, and If the plushie store is open!
And one last thing, if you attend our plushie store and don't see one you wanted, don't hesitate to ask! We might be running low and decided to keep them in storage or just plain hid them x3
So go ahead! Explore the blog! And don't forget to keep collecting plushies!